February 11th 2024
E.A. Rawlinson Centre
SHOW TIME: 6:30pm
Produced by: Mike Mogg
The Prince Albert Winter Festival features youth performers in almost every indoor show and event! The Youth Extravaganza is the one show that not only features a cast entirely made up of youth performers, but is also backed up by youth performers!
Tickets will be on sale soon!
Meet the Cast
Heartwarming Trey Joseph-Bear, Mason Boettcher, Thomas Pedersen
Prince Albert Barveenok Ukrainian Dancers
Birch Hills Dance Centre
PACI Alumni Dance Team
Leslie Werner’s Vocalist Students:
Raine Crozier
Levi Werner
Layla Mogg
Tori Korczak
Jam Street Bands:
Fiberglass Arawyn McNab, Mia Bisson, Annie (Ash) Uhlik, Emma Bocian
Eternal Elysian Justin Anderson, Agustine Canala-Echevarria, Kwill Meadows
Organized Confusion Jude Letkeman, Payton Despins, Arius Grigori, Nakoa Ilene
The Spark Raine Crozier, Will Boden, Leo Montgomery